Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Diving and Sunshine

Sadly, our trip to Egypt is over. Its been a tiring trip (especiall considering how short it was) but I think a good one overall. Tam and I have been discussing our likes and dislikes about Egypt and maybe Ill try posting those tomorrow.

We're currently in an internet cafe at the bus station in Eilat waiting to head back up to Tel Aviv. The last couple of days in Dahab were great though. The weather was absolutely pefect and it was totally relaxing. We both went diving - which I can only describe as amazing. I definitely belong in the water. We barely had to go 10 meters from the shore in Dahab's main bay and we found ourselves swimming along a beautiful coral reef covered crazy in colours and beautiful fish. We did two dives - one to learn the basic skills and one where we actually got to go deeper and see what it was really like to scuba dive. Unfortunatley, because of my head cold, I was only able to make it down to around 9 meters ( I think Tam made it to 12) but I was still able to see everything I wanted. I will definitely be going diving again.

Our next day and both evenings in Dahab were spent eating and lounging - either by the pool at our really nice hotel or on cushions smoking sheehsa right beside the ocean. Sound nice? It was. We're defiintely heading back to Tel Aviv with more colour in our cheeks (and some mosquito bites!).

So now we head back to Tel Aviv where we meet our new roommate and have orientation tomorrow morning. We're excited to get back and meet new people and explore the city (hopefully we'll feel better about the noisy apt after a couple of days of getting used to it). We'll definitely be happy not to have to take anymore long bus trips.

Next post from Tel Aviv... (where apparently its equally hot an sunny...yesssssss).

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