Friday, February 26, 2010

Tid Bits

I got a few more pictures from Tam of Egypt so I made another quick movie of the ones I liked the best - theres some new ones from Cairo, Sinai, and our falucca and scuba adventures. Instead of uploading it to youtube like last time I tried just using blogger to do it, but I feel like theres a quality difference. Notice anything?

We've now been in Tel Aviv for over a week and I am really liking it here. I've said it before, and Ill say it again, we live in a great area. Last night the TAU exchange students met up at our apt for a little get-together before we headed out to a bar in the neighborhood. Its so nice to be able to walk everywhere (even though last night we got a does of the Israeli rain that Tam's Granny warned us about!). I have no idea what the name of the bar we went to is, but we had a great time and danced up a storm. We discovered we're not such big fans of Israeli dance music, but fortunately they played some good 90's beats.

This morning we slept late and then wandered around trying to find a place to go for brunch (for those who dont know, Israel's Fridays are like Canadian Saturdays). After a lot of line-ups and busy cafes we finally decided on Max Brenner's - excellent decision. Apparently they have this place in NYC as well, but the Tel Aviv location is the first one and wow good food. So I think this guy stared out as a chocolate maker and expanded into a restaurant. The food was delicious and we got waaaay too much. Its not often that I dont clear my plate, but I was definitely not able to here. Heres a picture of the vegetable omelette with all the crazy sides they give you. Theres some cheese-type dip, tuna salad, vegetable salad, yogurt and granola, bread and of course some chocolate spread. Its all served with orange juice and your choice of a variety of coffees of hot chocolates. Delish - and I am still full nearly 6 hours later.

This weekend is purim - which is essentially the Jewish version of Halloween - except with a lot more meaning . I am not clear on the story (I think its a story of the Jews being saved from being exterminated by this evil guy Haman), but I get to dress up, eat hamantashen and make loud noises with these fun gragger noise maker things when someone says this bad guys' (Haman) name. Sounds like a sweet holiday to me. I must comment though that the girls here dress exactly like the ones at home on Halloween - aka skanky. Hey look - theres a slutty cop, a slutty bumblebee and a slutty nurse. sigh. My costume has yet to be determined, but I think its going to involve wings and some glitter. Saweet. Pics to come.

For the purim festivities, we were supposed to be going to big street party in the south part of the city tomorrow night, but its apparently been cancelled because of the weather. Instead, we might head to the port area to check out some of the goings on there. I am sure it will be a good time either way.

1 comment:

  1. Uh...I forget ...but aren't you there to go to school? Sounds like you are having way too much fun to me.
