Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So I had written a nice post and it crashed, so heres a quick version:
1. Every party in Tel Aviv turns into a street party. Like St Patty's day for instance. We went to a party at a pub called Molly Blooms, but the interesting part was the street out front that was full of people. Not the greatest picture ever, but you get the idea.
2. My mom is here! Its been a good visit thus far, even though I’ve been absent for a bit of it to work on an exam (darn school). She’s here until Friday and we're hoping to see more of Tel Aviv and head to Jerusalem. Tonight we ate at a great restaurant named Cafe Noir - definitely a food recommendation.

3. On Sunday my international humanitarian law class went on a field trip to a military court in the occupied territories. We got to listen in on the trial of a Palestinian accused of selling an uzi to another man. It was a bit of a circus, as language barriers required that a translator do simultaneous translations into Hebrew for the prosecutor and into Arabic for the defence attorney, the witness and the defendant. On top of this, the translator was making comments to one of the soldiers so he could translate into English for us. It gets crazier, but its just too hard to put into words. Literally a bit of a circus - hopefully people are actually receiving justice.

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